Photo Albums
Simchas Bais Hashoeva 5779
(19 photos) -
49th Anniversary Dinner
@Klairmont Kollections
(220 photos) -
Rabbi Hershel Schachter at Yeshurun Feb 2018
(10 photos) -
Stewart Sheinfeld Father and Son Learning 5778
(47 photos) -
Chanukah Cookie Bake 5778
(19 photos) -
Sky High Chanukah Party 5778
(20 photos) -
Women's Yom Iyun
(12 photos) -
Paint Night Feb 2017
(33 photos) -
Picnic 2016-5776
(19 photos) -
Dinner 2016
Yeshurun's 47th Anniversary Banquet
(29 photos) -
A Trip to the Tropics (Jan 27 2016)
Yeshurun goes to Garfield Park Conservatory
(13 photos) -
Pidyon Peter Chamor
(52 photos) -
Picnic 2014-5774
(29 photos) -
Father and Son Learning 5774
(25 photos) -
Purim 5774-2014
(23 photos) -
Journey of Torah - Israel 5774
(30 photos) -
Choshen Mishpat Kollel Night of Chizuk
(9 photos) -
Winter Event Jan 25, 2014
(21 photos) -
Forty-Fourth Anniversary Dinner
May 5th 2013 honoring Rabbi and Mrs. Zev Cohen.
(25 photos) -
Stewart Sheinfeld Father and Son Learning 5777
(34 photos)
Mon, March 24 2025 24 Adar 5785