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In the box above please enter the name of each person who will need a seat on a separate line. Please include any seating requests and if you will be attending the early minyan.
No one will be turned away due to financial difficulties. HOWEVER SEATS WILL NOT BE RESERVED UNTIL A PAYMENT PLAN IS IN PLACE. All requests for discounts will be dealt in a private manner by the membership committee.
If you need additional seats please enter them below.
Thank you for being an active part of our kehilah and community. May we all merit an upcoming year of good health and happiness for our kehillah, community and all of K'lal Yisroel.
There is a $65 fee per child. This fee covers all of Yomim Noraim even if you only send to one session.
In order that we can properly staff the groups, please let us know when your child will be attending.
Please tell us your children's names and ages.
Questions? Contact the shul office at or Rabbi Aharon Gaffen at