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Day of Inspiration - Yom Iyun

Mrs. Rashie Schnell Summer of Inspiration of the Erika Neter Mayer Women's Learning Division of Adas Yeshurun
Day of Inspiration - Yom Iyun - Sunday July 16, 2017

Women's Yom Iyun 2017

Mrs. Chani Juravel
Feeling the Pain Without Losing Positivity


Women's Yom Iyun 2017
Mrs. Yael Kaisman
The Relevance of Each Bracha of Shmone Esrai in Our Lives


Women's Yom Iyun 2017
Mrs. Yael Kaisman
Self Development on Three Levels

Women's Yom Iyun 2017

Mrs. Chani Juravel
Finding Geula Within


Bnos Tzion

March 19, 2017 Being all we can be - Rabbi Zev Cohen (47:56)

July 10, 2016- Jews in Turbelent Times- By Rabbi Zev Cohen (51:33 min) 

May 29, 2016- Preparing for Shavous- By Rabbi Zev Cohen ( 41:08 min) 

April 17,2016-Pesach- by Rabbi Zev Cohen ( 47:12 min)

February 7, 2016-Chosen Mishpat for Women (59:16 min)

December  8, 2015- The Miracle of Chanukah (27:06 min) 

November 1, 2015- Rabbi Zev Cohen- Creating a connection to Hashem (49:35 min)

September 20, 2015 - Rabbi Zev Cohen - Getting ready for Yom Kippur (47:54 min)

August 24,2015- Rabbi Zev Cohen- Working on ourselves during Elul (39:57 min)

July 12, 2015- Rabbi Zev Cohen- Relating to Hashem in the Three Weeks (55:22 min) 

May 17, 2015 Rabbi Zev Cohen- Shavous (45:42 min)

April 19, 2015 Rabbi Zev Cohen -Hillel and his impact on Klal Yisrael (47:47 min)

March 29, 2015 Rabbi Zev Cohen - Passover a Holiday or a Holiday?

February 22,2015 Rabbi Zev Cohen- Fighting Amalek 2015 (55:34 min)

January 25, 2015 Rabbi Zev Cohen- Staying on the Path of Torah and What are the reprocusion when we leave the Torah

January 11, 2015 - Mrs Taxer - Nosei Bol Chaveiro (44:53 min)

August 13, 2014 - Harav Shwartz- Torah and Science (58:43 min)

May 04, 2014 - Rabbi Zev Cohen - The real role of a woman (42:44 min)

April 06, 2014 - Rabbi Zev Cohen - Appreciating and Understanding how Pesach  effects our lives (51:33 min)

April 6, 2014- Rabbi Zev  Cohen- Chag HaMatzos (51:33 min)

March 09, 2014 - Rabbi Zev Cohen - Women's role on Purim (48:14 min)

February 02, 2014 - Rabbi Zev Cohen- Is Hashem really in your life (55:15 min)

October 13, 2013 - Rabbi Dr. Jerry  Lob - Hashgacha Pratis

October 06, 2013 - Rabbi Zev Cohen - Parshas Noach - Creating our own Teivah  (55:51 min)

Aug, 11 2013 - Rabbi Zev Cohen - How can I grow this Elul? (48:17 min) 

July 25, 2013- Mrs. Miriam Jaffe- Taking Tisha B'av with you (59:44 min) 

April 21,2013 - Rabbi Zev Cohen - Shabbos (58:47 min) 

January 20, 2013- Rabbi Zev Cohen - Shalom and Achdus (55:20 min)

December 03, 2013- Rabbi Zev Cohen - What is Chanukah Mehadrin MIn HaMehadrin (28:35 min)

 Wednesday Night Shiurim

December 20, 2014 Chanukah (18:43 min)

July 01, 2014 - Reb. Pearl Borow - Simchat Hachaim (52:13 min)                                                                      Shiur given in memory of Naftali ben Mordechai Z"L and Erika bas Baruch A"H

March 23. 2014 - Seder Daled Parshiyos  (23:38 min)

Dec 03, 2013 - What is Chanukah_Mehadrin min HaMehadrin (28:35 min)

Nov 25, 2013 - The role of Women in Chanukah (47:35 min)

September 1, 2013 - Preparing for Rosh Hashana 5774 to Women (53:32 min)

June 29, 2011 (28th Sivan 5771) - Mrs. Tema Taxer Tefilla L'Rosh Hashanah Shemonei Esrei (45:57 min)

July 5, 2011 (5th of Tammuz 5771) - Mrs. Tema Taxer  Tefilla L'Rosh Hashanah-Shemonei Esrei Part II  (34:53 min)

8-22-Mrs. Tema Taxer- Aleinu in Mosef of Rosh Hashana (42:28 min)

5-17-2011 -Rabbi Millunchick - On the Wings of the Eagle 5771 (29:19 min) 

10-17-Mrs. Tema Taxer- Avraham and his name and being an Ivri (33:24 min)

2-22-2011- Reb. Craindel Mannes- Perek Gimel Misilas Yesharim 5771 (53:10 min)

2-1-Mrs. Tema Taxer finishes Shemonei Esrei-Elokai Netzor-5771 (32:12 min)

7-18- Mrs. Tema Taxer- Tisha Bav and Tefila (34:48 min)

11-21 -Mrs. Tema Taxer- Yaakov the foundation of our nation (31;53 min)

1-4-2012- Mrs. Tema Taxer- Yosef from the depth of despair to the heights of righteous (29:43 min)

8-1-Mrs. Sandra Kost-Elul process and change (17:58 min)

5-3-Mrs. Sandra Kost-Meaning of L'Ag B'omer (42:24 min)

6-7-Mrs. Sandra Kost- Meaning and Mysteries (37:02 min)

10-24- Mrs. Chani Chase-Mitzvos of Women (47:23 min)

11-28-Mrs. Chani Chase-Women Mitzvos part 2 (1:12:59 min)

1-11-2012-Mrs. Chani Chase- Unique Mitzvos of Women and How They Empower Us (1:03:10 min)

10-10-Mrs. Chani Freedman-Jewish History overview (35:37 min)

11-5-Mrs. Chani Freedman- Jewish personalities and impact Jewish History (39:00 min)
01-18-2012 Mrs. Chani Freedman-Personalities Tannaim (46:38 min)
2-16- Rebbetzin Tobie Teller-Adar Beis and its Meaning (43:06 min)
8-15-Rabbi Zizuk- Halacha of Bikur Cholim (1:15:48 min)
5-8-11-Reb. Craindell Mannes - Meslias Yesharim (54:50 min)


10-31-Dr. Esther Shkop-  Perek 102 (54:28 min)

3-15 -Dr. Esther Shkop- Perek 113 (1:03:49 min)

7-11-Dr. Esther Shkop-Perek 90-91 (54:36 min)

05-25-2011-Dr Esther Shkop_Tehillim_94 (1:12:44 min)

5-31-Dr. Esther Shkop-  Perek 143 (50:46 min) 

2-8-Dr. Esther Shkop- Tehilim (1:17:43 min)

Weekly Parsha Shiur

Parshas Mihspatim

July 24, 2016- Parshas Balak ( 25;51 min) 

July 17, 2016- Parshas Chukas part 1 (23:40 min) 

July 12, 2016- Parshas Chukas part 2 (12:50 min)

July 3, 2016 - Parshas  Shelach (25:22 min)

06-05-16- Parshas Bechukosai ( 29:06 min)

05-22-16- Parshas Behar (22:57 min) 

05-15-16- Parshas Kedoshim (22:28 min)

05-08-16- Parshas Achrei Mos (23:33 min)

04-03-2016- Parshas Shmini (25:50 min)

02-14-2016- Parshas Terumah (21:07 min) 

02-7-2016- Parshas Mishpatim (25:31 min)

01-24-2016- Parshas Yisro (23:53 min) 

01-10-2016- Parshas Bo (24:15 min)

11-22-2015- Parshas Vayatzei (24:52 min)

11-08-2015-Parshas Chayei Sarah (27:47 min)

11-01-2015- Parshas Vayeira (17:51 min)

8-30-2015- Parshas Ki Tzeiteh (22:29 min)

8-23-2015- Parshas Ki Tzeiteh (22:25 min)

7-19-2015- Parshas Matos (21:18 min)

7-12-2015- Parshas Pinchas (24:25 min)

July 02, 2012 - Parshas Chukas (27:31 min) 

6-14-2015 Parshas Shalach (25:28 min)

6-7-2015 Parshas Beha'aloscha (17:12 min)

5-17-2015 Parshas B'har and B'Chukosei (28:39 min)

5-10-2015 Parshas Emor (26:10 min)

5-3-2015  Parshas Achrei Mos -Kedoshim (24:23 min)

4-26-2015  Tazria-Metzora (21:19 min)

April 19, 2015- Parshas Shimini (24;55 min) 

March 22,2015- Parshas Vayichra (27:24 min)

March 01, 2015- Parshas Ki Sisa (26:15 min)

February 15, 2015- Parshas Mishpatim (26:37 min)

February 01, 2015 - Parshas B'shalach (25:35 min)

January 25, 2015 - Parshas Bo (25:38 min)

January 11, 2015 - Parshas Shemos (27:35 min)

January 18, 2015 - Parshas Vaeira (26:41 min)

December 28, 2014 Parshas Lech Licha (30:44 min)

December 27, 2014 - Parshas Vayeitzei (28:00 min)

December 13, 2014 - Parshas Vayeishev (29:21 min)

November 23, 2014 - Parshas Toldos  (23:14 min)

November 16, 2014 - Parshas Chayei Sarah  (26:54 min)

November 09, 2014 - Parshas Vayeira (26:44 min)

November 02, 2014 - Parshas Lech Licha (24:15 min)

June 29, 2014 - Parshas Chukas (18:27 min)

June 22, 2014 - Parshas Korach (25:51 min)

June 15, 2014 - Parshas Shelach  (24:30 min)

June 08, 2014 - Parshas Behalosicha (22:28 min)

May 04, 2014 - Parshas Emor (26:37 min)

March 30, 2014 - Parshas Tazria (26:30 min)

March 23, 2014- Seder Daled Parshiyos (23:38 min)

February 10, 2013- Parshas Mishpatim (16;28 min)

Dec 15, 2013 - Parshas Vayechi (20:53 min)

Nov 24, 2013 -  Parshas Mikeitz -Chanukah  (20:24 min)

Nov 17, 2013 -  Parshas Vayishlach (25:28 min)

Nov 10, 2013 - Parshas Vayeitzei (28:01 min)

Nov 3, 2013 - Parshas Toldos (21:20 min)

Oct 13, 2013 - Parshas Vayeira (26:22 min)

April 21,2013-  Parshas Achrei Mos and Kidoshim (17:03 min)

8-8- Rabbi Zvi Zimmerman - Parshas Re'ah (46:55 min)

Weekly Navi Shuir

Shmuel Bais

Shmuel Beis Chapter 5
Feb 7, 2017

9-13-16 Shmuel Beis Perek 3 Passuk 1 (33:36)

07-19-16- Shmuel Bais Perek 2 Posuk 17 ( 27:32 min)

06-28-16-Shumel Bais Perek 2 Posuk 12 (32:12 min)

06-14-16-Shumel Bais Perek 2 Posuk 8 (24:04 min)

5-31-16-  Shmuel Bais- The Difference between  Dovid Hamelech and Avner ben Ner (25:47 min) 

5-29-16- Shmuel Bais- Caring about Other People (23:39 min) 

5-24-16- Shmuel Bais Perek 2 Posuk 8 (29;19 min)

5-17-16- Shmuel Bais Perek 2 Part 2 (28 min)

5-10-16-Shumel Bais Perek 1 and 2 (29:59 min) 

3-29-2016-Shumel Bais Perek 1 Posuk 26 (27:42 min)

11-21-2011- Shumel Bais Perek 16 Posuk 4 (8:38 min)

09-09-2011-Shumel Bais Perek 8 Posuk 1 (8:20 min)

02-09-2016-- Perek Alef Posuk 19 -Dovid mourning Shaul and Yihonason (29:12 min)

02-02-2016-Shumel Bais Perek Alef Posuk 17 (21:39 min)

01-19-2016- Shumel Bais Perek Alef Posuk 10 (28:28 min)

01-12-2016-Shumel Bais Perek Alef Posuk 8 (22:41 min)

01-05-2016-Shumel Bais Perek Alef Part 2 (25:09 min)

01-01-2016-Shumel Bais- Perek Alef Posek 12 (29:08 min)

12-29-2015- Shumel Beis Perek Alef Posuk Alef (22:23 min)

Shmuel Alef

11-24-2015- Shumel Alef Perek 7 Posuk 17 (19:20 min)

11-10-2015-Shaul's death was a kaparah for his sins, but how was he allowed to kill himself (22:30 min)

11-3-2015-What Shaul did wrong as a king (18:13 min)

10-27-2015-  Plistin fighting Shaul and his sons (29:23 min)

10-20-2015- Shumel Alef Perek 30 (31:57 min)

9-1-2015- Shumel Alef Perek 30 (36:26 min) 

8-25-2015- Shumel Alef Perek 29 (25:06 min)

7-21-2015- Perek 16- Anointing Dovid As King (25:11 min)

7-14-2015- Shaul brings back Shumel and he is told he is going to die (29:51 min)

6-16-2015-How did Shaul who fought Dovid was able to die as a tzadik (22:04 min)

6-2-2015- Perek 28- Shumel tells Shaul that Hashem will bring you and your sons with me and the Bnei Yisroel will be in the hands of Plistim (26:02 min)

5-5-2015  Shumel Navi- Shaul Going To The Witch (24:02 min)

4-21-2015  Shumel Alef Perek 28- Why does the navi repeat that Shumel Hanavi died (34:19 min)

3-3-2015-  Spiritual Fighting between the Jews and Nations of the World (27:30 min)

2-17-2015- Megilas Esther (37:06 min)

2-10-2015- Navi- Amalek (23:38 min)

4-28-2015  Shumel Alef Perek 28 (26:26 min)

1-27-2015- Shumel Alef Perek 27 (36:44 min)

12-9-2014- Shumel Alef - Perek 27- Where is the city of Gas? (32:53 min)

05-07-2013- Shumel Alef Perek 22 Part 4 (30:20 min)

 03-05-2013- Shumel Alef Perek 22 Part 3 (29:31 min)

02-19-2013- Megilas Esther- Achashvarosh Party (25:12 min)

02-12-2013- Shumel Alef Perek 22 Part 2 (21:38 min)

02-05-2013-  Shumel Alef Perek 22 Part 1 (26:50 min)

1-29-2013- Shaul Feels betrayed  by his men (26:09 min)

1-22-2013- Shumel Alef Perek 22 (36:25 min)

11-19-2013- Shumel Alef (31:15 min) 

9-04-2012- Shumel Alef Perek 29 (32:30 min)

8-28-2012- Shmuel Alef Perek 20-24 (27:13 min)

Malachim Bais

1-22-2013-Melachim Bais Perek 7 Posuk 3 (7:44 min)

1-24-2013-Melachim Bais Perek 8 Posuk 11 (7:54 min)

1-23-2013- Melachim Bais (5:24 min) 

1-21-2013- Melachim Bais( 8:53 min) 


Wed, March 26 2025 26 Adar 5785