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The Frumi Noble Audio Library
Day of Inspiration - Yom Iyun
Mrs. Rashie Schnell Summer of Inspiration of the Erika Neter Mayer Women's Learning Division of Adas Yeshurun
Day of Inspiration - Yom Iyun - Sunday July 16, 2017
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Women's Yom Iyun 2017
Mrs. Chani Juravel
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Women's Yom Iyun 2017
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Women's Yom Iyun 2017
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Women's Yom Iyun 2017
Mrs. Chani Juravel
More Women's Shiurim
Bnos Tzion
March 19, 2017 Being all we can be - Rabbi Zev Cohen (47:56)
July 10, 2016- Jews in Turbelent Times- By Rabbi Zev Cohen (51:33 min)
May 29, 2016- Preparing for Shavous- By Rabbi Zev Cohen ( 41:08 min)
April 17,2016-Pesach- by Rabbi Zev Cohen ( 47:12 min)
February 7, 2016-Chosen Mishpat for Women (59:16 min)
December 8, 2015- The Miracle of Chanukah (27:06 min)
November 1, 2015- Rabbi Zev Cohen- Creating a connection to Hashem (49:35 min)
September 20, 2015 - Rabbi Zev Cohen - Getting ready for Yom Kippur (47:54 min)
August 24,2015- Rabbi Zev Cohen- Working on ourselves during Elul (39:57 min)
July 12, 2015- Rabbi Zev Cohen- Relating to Hashem in the Three Weeks (55:22 min)
May 17, 2015 Rabbi Zev Cohen- Shavous (45:42 min)
April 19, 2015 Rabbi Zev Cohen -Hillel and his impact on Klal Yisrael (47:47 min)
March 29, 2015 Rabbi Zev Cohen - Passover a Holiday or a Holiday?
February 22,2015 Rabbi Zev Cohen- Fighting Amalek 2015 (55:34 min)
January 11, 2015 - Mrs Taxer - Nosei Bol Chaveiro (44:53 min)
August 13, 2014 - Harav Shwartz- Torah and Science (58:43 min)
May 04, 2014 - Rabbi Zev Cohen - The real role of a woman (42:44 min)
April 06, 2014 - Rabbi Zev Cohen - Appreciating and Understanding how Pesach effects our lives (51:33 min)
April 6, 2014- Rabbi Zev Cohen- Chag HaMatzos (51:33 min)
March 09, 2014 - Rabbi Zev Cohen - Women's role on Purim (48:14 min)
February 02, 2014 - Rabbi Zev Cohen- Is Hashem really in your life (55:15 min)
October 13, 2013 - Rabbi Dr. Jerry Lob - Hashgacha Pratis
October 06, 2013 - Rabbi Zev Cohen - Parshas Noach - Creating our own Teivah (55:51 min)
Aug, 11 2013 - Rabbi Zev Cohen - How can I grow this Elul? (48:17 min)
July 25, 2013- Mrs. Miriam Jaffe- Taking Tisha B'av with you (59:44 min)
April 21,2013 - Rabbi Zev Cohen - Shabbos (58:47 min)
January 20, 2013- Rabbi Zev Cohen - Shalom and Achdus (55:20 min)
December 03, 2013- Rabbi Zev Cohen - What is Chanukah Mehadrin MIn HaMehadrin (28:35 min)
Wednesday Night Shiurim
December 20, 2014 Chanukah (18:43 min)
July 01, 2014 - Reb. Pearl Borow - Simchat Hachaim (52:13 min) Shiur given in memory of Naftali ben Mordechai Z"L and Erika bas Baruch A"H
March 23. 2014 - Seder Daled Parshiyos (23:38 min)
Dec 03, 2013 - What is Chanukah_Mehadrin min HaMehadrin (28:35 min)
Nov 25, 2013 - The role of Women in Chanukah (47:35 min)
September 1, 2013 - Preparing for Rosh Hashana 5774 to Women (53:32 min)
June 29, 2011 (28th Sivan 5771) - Mrs. Tema Taxer Tefilla L'Rosh Hashanah Shemonei Esrei (45:57 min)
July 5, 2011 (5th of Tammuz 5771) - Mrs. Tema Taxer Tefilla L'Rosh Hashanah-Shemonei Esrei Part II (34:53 min)
8-22-Mrs. Tema Taxer- Aleinu in Mosef of Rosh Hashana (42:28 min)
5-17-2011 -Rabbi Millunchick - On the Wings of the Eagle 5771 (29:19 min)
10-17-Mrs. Tema Taxer- Avraham and his name and being an Ivri (33:24 min)
2-22-2011- Reb. Craindel Mannes- Perek Gimel Misilas Yesharim 5771 (53:10 min)
2-1-Mrs. Tema Taxer finishes Shemonei Esrei-Elokai Netzor-5771 (32:12 min)
7-18- Mrs. Tema Taxer- Tisha Bav and Tefila (34:48 min)
11-21 -Mrs. Tema Taxer- Yaakov the foundation of our nation (31;53 min)
1-4-2012- Mrs. Tema Taxer- Yosef from the depth of despair to the heights of righteous (29:43 min)
8-1-Mrs. Sandra Kost-Elul process and change (17:58 min)
5-3-Mrs. Sandra Kost-Meaning of L'Ag B'omer (42:24 min)
6-7-Mrs. Sandra Kost- Meaning and Mysteries (37:02 min)
10-24- Mrs. Chani Chase-Mitzvos of Women (47:23 min)
11-28-Mrs. Chani Chase-Women Mitzvos part 2 (1:12:59 min)
1-11-2012-Mrs. Chani Chase- Unique Mitzvos of Women and How They Empower Us (1:03:10 min)
10-10-Mrs. Chani Freedman-Jewish History overview (35:37 min)
10-31-Dr. Esther Shkop- Perek 102 (54:28 min)
3-15 -Dr. Esther Shkop- Perek 113 (1:03:49 min)
7-11-Dr. Esther Shkop-Perek 90-91 (54:36 min)
05-25-2011-Dr Esther Shkop_Tehillim_94 (1:12:44 min)
5-31-Dr. Esther Shkop- Perek 143 (50:46 min)
2-8-Dr. Esther Shkop- Tehilim (1:17:43 min)
Weekly Parsha Shiur
July 24, 2016- Parshas Balak ( 25;51 min)
July 17, 2016- Parshas Chukas part 1 (23:40 min)
July 12, 2016- Parshas Chukas part 2 (12:50 min)
July 3, 2016 - Parshas Shelach (25:22 min)
06-05-16- Parshas Bechukosai ( 29:06 min)
05-22-16- Parshas Behar (22:57 min)
05-15-16- Parshas Kedoshim (22:28 min)
05-08-16- Parshas Achrei Mos (23:33 min)
04-03-2016- Parshas Shmini (25:50 min)
02-14-2016- Parshas Terumah (21:07 min)
02-7-2016- Parshas Mishpatim (25:31 min)
01-24-2016- Parshas Yisro (23:53 min)
01-10-2016- Parshas Bo (24:15 min)
11-22-2015- Parshas Vayatzei (24:52 min)
11-08-2015-Parshas Chayei Sarah (27:47 min)
11-01-2015- Parshas Vayeira (17:51 min)
8-30-2015- Parshas Ki Tzeiteh (22:29 min)
8-23-2015- Parshas Ki Tzeiteh (22:25 min)
7-19-2015- Parshas Matos (21:18 min)
7-12-2015- Parshas Pinchas (24:25 min)
July 02, 2012 - Parshas Chukas (27:31 min)
6-14-2015 Parshas Shalach (25:28 min)
6-7-2015 Parshas Beha'aloscha (17:12 min)
5-17-2015 Parshas B'har and B'Chukosei (28:39 min)
5-10-2015 Parshas Emor (26:10 min)
5-3-2015 Parshas Achrei Mos -Kedoshim (24:23 min)
4-26-2015 Tazria-Metzora (21:19 min)
April 19, 2015- Parshas Shimini (24;55 min)
March 22,2015- Parshas Vayichra (27:24 min)
March 01, 2015- Parshas Ki Sisa (26:15 min)
February 15, 2015- Parshas Mishpatim (26:37 min)
February 01, 2015 - Parshas B'shalach (25:35 min)
January 25, 2015 - Parshas Bo (25:38 min)
January 11, 2015 - Parshas Shemos (27:35 min)
January 18, 2015 - Parshas Vaeira (26:41 min)
December 28, 2014 Parshas Lech Licha (30:44 min)
December 27, 2014 - Parshas Vayeitzei (28:00 min)
December 13, 2014 - Parshas Vayeishev (29:21 min)
November 23, 2014 - Parshas Toldos (23:14 min)
November 16, 2014 - Parshas Chayei Sarah (26:54 min)
November 09, 2014 - Parshas Vayeira (26:44 min)
November 02, 2014 - Parshas Lech Licha (24:15 min)
June 29, 2014 - Parshas Chukas (18:27 min)
June 22, 2014 - Parshas Korach (25:51 min)
June 15, 2014 - Parshas Shelach (24:30 min)
June 08, 2014 - Parshas Behalosicha (22:28 min)
May 04, 2014 - Parshas Emor (26:37 min)
March 30, 2014 - Parshas Tazria (26:30 min)
March 23, 2014- Seder Daled Parshiyos (23:38 min)
February 10, 2013- Parshas Mishpatim (16;28 min)
Dec 15, 2013 - Parshas Vayechi (20:53 min)
Nov 24, 2013 - Parshas Mikeitz -Chanukah (20:24 min)
Nov 17, 2013 - Parshas Vayishlach (25:28 min)
Nov 10, 2013 - Parshas Vayeitzei (28:01 min)
Nov 3, 2013 - Parshas Toldos (21:20 min)
Oct 13, 2013 - Parshas Vayeira (26:22 min)
April 21,2013- Parshas Achrei Mos and Kidoshim (17:03 min)
8-8- Rabbi Zvi Zimmerman - Parshas Re'ah (46:55 min)
Weekly Navi Shuir
Shmuel Bais
Shmuel Beis Chapter 5
Feb 7, 2017
9-13-16 Shmuel Beis Perek 3 Passuk 1 (33:36)
07-19-16- Shmuel Bais Perek 2 Posuk 17 ( 27:32 min)
06-28-16-Shumel Bais Perek 2 Posuk 12 (32:12 min)
06-14-16-Shumel Bais Perek 2 Posuk 8 (24:04 min)
5-31-16- Shmuel Bais- The Difference between Dovid Hamelech and Avner ben Ner (25:47 min)
5-29-16- Shmuel Bais- Caring about Other People (23:39 min)
5-24-16- Shmuel Bais Perek 2 Posuk 8 (29;19 min)
5-17-16- Shmuel Bais Perek 2 Part 2 (28 min)
5-10-16-Shumel Bais Perek 1 and 2 (29:59 min)
3-29-2016-Shumel Bais Perek 1 Posuk 26 (27:42 min)
11-21-2011- Shumel Bais Perek 16 Posuk 4 (8:38 min)
09-09-2011-Shumel Bais Perek 8 Posuk 1 (8:20 min)
02-09-2016-- Perek Alef Posuk 19 -Dovid mourning Shaul and Yihonason (29:12 min)
02-02-2016-Shumel Bais Perek Alef Posuk 17 (21:39 min)
01-19-2016- Shumel Bais Perek Alef Posuk 10 (28:28 min)
01-12-2016-Shumel Bais Perek Alef Posuk 8 (22:41 min)
01-05-2016-Shumel Bais Perek Alef Part 2 (25:09 min)
01-01-2016-Shumel Bais- Perek Alef Posek 12 (29:08 min)
12-29-2015- Shumel Beis Perek Alef Posuk Alef (22:23 min)
Shmuel Alef
11-24-2015- Shumel Alef Perek 7 Posuk 17 (19:20 min)
11-10-2015-Shaul's death was a kaparah for his sins, but how was he allowed to kill himself (22:30 min)
11-3-2015-What Shaul did wrong as a king (18:13 min)
10-27-2015- Plistin fighting Shaul and his sons (29:23 min)
10-20-2015- Shumel Alef Perek 30 (31:57 min)
9-1-2015- Shumel Alef Perek 30 (36:26 min)
8-25-2015- Shumel Alef Perek 29 (25:06 min)
7-21-2015- Perek 16- Anointing Dovid As King (25:11 min)
7-14-2015- Shaul brings back Shumel and he is told he is going to die (29:51 min)
6-16-2015-How did Shaul who fought Dovid was able to die as a tzadik (22:04 min)
5-5-2015 Shumel Navi- Shaul Going To The Witch (24:02 min)
4-21-2015 Shumel Alef Perek 28- Why does the navi repeat that Shumel Hanavi died (34:19 min)
3-3-2015- Spiritual Fighting between the Jews and Nations of the World (27:30 min)
2-17-2015- Megilas Esther (37:06 min)
2-10-2015- Navi- Amalek (23:38 min)
4-28-2015 Shumel Alef Perek 28 (26:26 min)
1-27-2015- Shumel Alef Perek 27 (36:44 min)
12-9-2014- Shumel Alef - Perek 27- Where is the city of Gas? (32:53 min)
05-07-2013- Shumel Alef Perek 22 Part 4 (30:20 min)
03-05-2013- Shumel Alef Perek 22 Part 3 (29:31 min)
02-19-2013- Megilas Esther- Achashvarosh Party (25:12 min)
02-12-2013- Shumel Alef Perek 22 Part 2 (21:38 min)
02-05-2013- Shumel Alef Perek 22 Part 1 (26:50 min)
1-29-2013- Shaul Feels betrayed by his men (26:09 min)
1-22-2013- Shumel Alef Perek 22 (36:25 min)
11-19-2013- Shumel Alef (31:15 min)
9-04-2012- Shumel Alef Perek 29 (32:30 min)
8-28-2012- Shmuel Alef Perek 20-24 (27:13 min)
Malachim Bais
1-22-2013-Melachim Bais Perek 7 Posuk 3 (7:44 min)
1-24-2013-Melachim Bais Perek 8 Posuk 11 (7:54 min)
1-23-2013- Melachim Bais (5:24 min)
1-21-2013- Melachim Bais( 8:53 min)
Wed, March 26 2025
26 Adar 5785
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Today's Zmanim
Alos Hashachar | 5:32am |
Earliest Tallis | 6:08am |
Netz (Sunrise) | 6:44am |
Latest Shema | 9:50am |
Zman Tefillah | 10:53am |
Chatzos (Midday) | 12:57pm |
Mincha Gedola | 1:28pm |
Mincha Ketana | 4:34pm |
Plag HaMincha | 5:52pm |
Shkiah (Sunset) | 7:10pm |
Tzais Hakochavim | 8:00pm |
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