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The Frumi Noble Audio Library


Throughout the year, Rabbi Cohen speaks about the laws, customs and deeper meanings of the special days in the Jewish calendar and fast days. These selections include both brief and full-length shiurim and shmoozim.


Rosh Hashanah

Preparing for Rosh Hashana Davening - 5776 Sept 27, 2016 (44:49)

September 1, 2013 Preparing for Rosh Hashana 5774 to Women (53:32)

Aug. 31, 2013 Slichos Night: Making Rosh Hashanah Real (32:34)

Yom Kippur

Oct 6, 2016 - In advance of Yom Kippur (to Women) (23:39)

September 20, 2015 - Rabbi Zev Cohen - Getting ready for Yom Kippur (47:54)

Shabbos Shuva Drasha 5775 (1:14:43 min)                                                                                                                This replay of the drasha was given by Rabbi Cohen on Hoshana Rabba 5775

9-10-2013  Prepare for Yom Kippur Davening (24:59)




Pesach Symposium April 2, 2017

Rabbi Levy Sheinfeld - Makkos Ten
Rabbi Menachem Rosenbaum - Baavur Zeh
Rabbi Mordechai Millunchick - Yachatz


Taking your Seder to the Next Level
This Shiur is sponsored on the occasion of Mr. Marvin Miretzky's a"h Shloshim - Moshe Yaakov ben Mordechai Ben Tzion


Why did Klal Yisroel have go down to Mitzrayim?

Pesach- Ha Lach Ma Anya- 4-9-2016 (43:07 min)

Pesach- Rabbi Zev Cohen -4-17-2016 ( 47:12 min)

Rabbi Zev Cohen Shabbos Hagadol Drasha 2016 (1:10:53 min)

Shabbos Hagadol Replay - Kitnios- 4-8-15 (1:17:31 min) 

Short Insights on the Hagadah 5775 - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Rabbi Zev Cohen - Passover a Holiday or a Holyday? March 29, 2015  (53:27)

Insights into the Hagaddah March 23, 2013 (41:28 min) 

Preparing your house for Pesach - 03.17.15  (53:37 min)

Shabbos Hagadol Drasha 5774( 1:11:39 min)

Shabbos Hagadol Drasha 5774 - 04.17.2014  (01:14:20 min)

Insights to the Hagadah 2013

How to run a seder 2013

Hagadah Insights 2009

April 06, 2014 - Rabbi Zev Cohen - Appreciating and Understanding how Pesach  effects our lives (51:33 min)


 June 7, 2016-Preparing for Shavous (40:51 min) 

May 19, 2015- Shavous (37:59 min)  

Shavuos and our Teffilos - 5-15-18

Bnos Tzion 5-13-18 An inspirational thought for Shavuos

The Three Weeks/ Tisha B'av

Eicha - Preparation for Tisha B'Av
July 26, 2017



August 17, 2016- Tisha B'av ( 30:52 min)

August 7, 2016- Tisha B'Av (43:39 min)

August 2, 2016- Chorban (24:05 min) 

July 26, 2015-Tisha B'av And Shiva Asar B'Taamuz   (30:45 min)

July 24, 2015- 17th of Tamuz  (42:48 min)

July 12, 2015- Relating to Hashem in the Three Weeks (55:22 min) 

July 17,2013-Tisha B'av 5773 (39:32 min)

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784