Sun, March 9 2025
9 Adar 5785
Thank you to everyone who has donated to this year's Campaign
Rabbi Zev and Michal Cohen
Eric Rothner
Heshy and Debbie Wengrow
Moti and Shira Ninio
Rabbi Sam and Mimi Seleski
Michael and Evey Margolies
Avy and Yisraela Dachman
Ephraim and Dina Braunstein
Morton Friedman - Thank you for your hospitality
Bernard Mandelman - Thank You for your leadership and direction in Torah and in Life. For the Peace and Strength that Learning brings.
Dr. Steve and Cheryl Karesh
Mrs. Syril Goldman
Joey & Devorah Seif
Dovid & Nechama Silver
Eliyanah Wodika - With great appreciation to Mordechai, the Rov and Michal for all that they do to enrich our Shul and community.
Nathan Mellman - Thank you for being such a vibrant congregation. Your many minyans allowed me to say kaddish when my mom passed away seven years ago and yearly since, including tonight.
Ariel and Karen Gershman
In honor of my good buddies at Yeshurun! :)
Rabbi and Mrs. Shmuel Muschel in honor of the Choshen Mishpat Kollel and the Even Haezer Kollel
Colin & Alexa Friedman
Sammy & Tzippora Joseph
David Etzman - With appreciation to the Rav and Rebbetzin and Rabbi Millunchick. Wishing the shul hatzlacha in their endeavors.
Joey and Devorah Seif
Harlan and Robin Loeb - Rabbi Cohen, words can't convey adequately just how special you are. The Loeb family is indebted to you and your Rebbetzin for inspired leadeership and incredbile erlichkeit!
Syril Goldman
Dovid and Rusi Sukenik
Brickyard Bank
Yosaif and Flora Lifsics
Dovid and Nechama Silver
Daniel and Rosalie Novick
Michael and Yael Zahtz
Daniel & Rosalie Novick
Fred and Lynne Brody
Yonatan and Meira Gershman
Sheldon Kirshner
Gavriel & Fiona Kark
Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Liberman
Rabbi Shmuel and Rifky Cohen
Asher Stein
Michoel and Naomi Nudel
Shalom and Sarit Abowitz -L'ilui Nishmas Chana bas Asher Zelig on her 5th Yartzeit on 22 Iyar.
Sholom Lichtman
Mr and Mrs Mark Steinberg
Joseph Bereliani
Ari and Avigayil Strulowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Roth
Rabbi Yehuda Krohn
Yakov and Dana Danishefsky
Eliezer Amstrong
Rabbi Shmuel and Chana Muschel
Sholom and Devora Lichtman
Jeff and Susan Mendelsberg
Jacob and Danielle Herbach
Yacov and Esther Olevitch
Meyer and Baila Silverberg
Rabbi Elisha and Miriam Prero
Jeremy and Rebecca Amster
Aaron Dauber
Adam and Shira Kirshner
Moshe and Chaya Wender -With tremendous hakaras hatov to Rabbi Cohen and Rabbi Millunchick
Avrohom and Orlit Salander
Shlomie and Elisheva Neuberger- IHO of our awesome parents who have built and Awesome Shull!!
Aharon and Michell Kaye
Asher and Michal Mendelsberg
Avrohom Kolko
לכבוד והערכה ואות הכרת טיבותא בּשׁער בּת רבּים למו״ר המרא דאתרא וריעותו שׁליט״א אשׁר מרחוק זכינו להסתופּף מצל תורתו ולהתחמם מחמימות יראתו מרן די בשׁמיא יהא בּסעדכון כּל זמן ועידן
Moshe Russel
Binyamin and Penina Teitelbaum
Rabbi and Mrs. Cohen, Thank you for everything that you do. You have helped us tremendously with our ruchniyus. May H' give you the kochos to keep going until 120. Hatzlacha Rabba. Marc and Stacy Olswang and family
Benjamin Stolz
Ari Burian
With hakoras hatov to Our shul for continuing the derech we raised our children in. Joel and Josie Meyers
TY to the Rov and shul for everything. Levy & Avigayil Sheinfeld
Moshe and Cara Sweet
Chaim and Zahava Suss - Thank you Rabbi Cohen and Rabbi Millunchick and Yeshurn for all that you do for me and my family
Aharon and Penina Gaffen - In honor of the Rov for his constant guidance and leadership. Thank you to R' Mordechai and the presidents for their dedication.
Rabbi Shlomo & Susan Schwartz In honor of Rabbi Avraham Friedman
Shelly and Miriam Mendelsberg
Danny and Ruth Altschul - Thanking the shul for so many enriching experiences
Yaakov and Orah Azose
Yisroel and Sarah Caplan
Dr. Yakov and Jona Weil
Scott & Atara Schayer In honor of Rav Cohen who is an integral part of our community.
Itzy & Naomi Zeiler
David Hartman
Oren and Danielle Dragon
Steve and Dina Rubinoff
Rafael and Shira Wiesenberg
Dov Steinberg
Ariel Briskman
Avigdor and Ahuva Horowitz
Rabbi Baruch and Rifka Weinberg
Hudi & Yocheved Appel
Joseph & Elka Abramchik
Donny Friedman
Ami and Rivka Zimmerman
Yeruchom & Meira Steinberg
Brad and Aliza Olswang In honor of yeshurun and Rabbi Cohen
Kevin and Rena Spiegel - Thank you for providing a fantastic Makom Torah!
Ahron & Megan Wulkan
Herschel and Evy Block
Yerachmiel & Rivka Pickholtz
Ari & Shani Sendic
Yaakov (James) & Smadar Kedar Bergman
Shlomo & Yaffa Crandall
Dovid & Gittel Dissen
Noach Goldstein
Mr. & Mrs. Eliezer Meystel
Lance and Tema Taxer
Moshe & Rivki Cohen - In honor of the Rabbi and his Rebetzin. Childhood memories influence a person life, guess the farm was really important.
Smay & Tova Schwarcz
Yosef & Bracha Polstein
Eli Newmark
Mark and Linda Freedman
David and Nina Siegal
Avraham and Faygie Schwartz
Shimon Kirshner
Choshen Mishpat Kollel
Ranan and Joy Zimmerman
Rabbi Shalom and Suri Garfinkel - In honor of Harav Cohen and Rabbi Millunchuck and of the Daf Hashavuah Shiur
Barzeili Goldfarb
Yehuda & Rivkie Friedman
Rabbi Aaron Cardash
Uri and Dina Zimmerman
Jacob and Racheli Roth
David and Marcy Segal
Gershon and Chaya Friedman In honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Cohen for their unwavering commitment to growth for our shul and community.
David and Rachel Isenberg
Elliott & Irene Baral
Geoff and Shira Winner
Yitzi Wengrow
Shalom Feldman
Yechiel and Rivki Pisem
Ephraim Dachman
Efrayim and Brittany Prero
Rabbi Yirmiyahu Neuman
Yosef Mendelsberg
Martin Kleinman
Aryeh Polstein
Yoni and Elisheva Borenstein- In appreciationo of the Rov who has been an outstanding leader in our community for many years
David and Shosh Friedman
Sholi Chinn - Thank you for all the Rav does for the Shul and for the Chicago community.
Yissie Kramer
Moshe and Tziona Fishman
Efraim and Leora Goldman
Efraim Weinfeld - IHO Shuls of every direction.
Jeremy and Rena Meisel
Randi and Michael Loskove
Joel Malkin
Nachman Katz
David and Miri Rosenwasser
Gavriel and Lena Prero
Norman Smagley
Baruch and Judy Zimmerman
Jeffrey Grossfeld
Freddie and Orlit Goldman
In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Cohen Gratefully, Yehuda Leib and Shoshana Ross
Chana Eliana Zaguri
Nachman and Lean Levine
Champion Roofing - In honor of Rav Cohen, my first Chevrutah
Zvi and Rachel Zimmerman - Thank you to Rabbi and Mrs Cohen for everything you do for our community
Lee and Gail Gordon
Rafi and Malka Herzfeld
Zev and Sara Nechama Brody
Rabbi Shmuel Shapiro
Rabbi Moshe and Bracha Katz
Thank you to the Rav and Rebbetzin for all of their mesirus nefesh for our community. We're so blessed to be a part of Yeshurun. - Menachem and Aliza Rosenbaum
Joe and Becky Zimmerman
Michael Schwabacher
Yitzie and Dena Stern
Yitzy Schwimmer
Anonymous - In honor of Yeshurun and Rabbi Cohen
Benjamin and Sara Porush
Rabbi Rand
Aaron Rokach
Ely & Bracha Leah Parnes -In honor of the most amazing parents!
Mord Polstein in honor of Rabbi Smay!
Ephraim Weil
Gershon Schaffel In honor of the Rov and his incredible leadership and guidance for Yeshurun and Klal Yisroel
Lyle and Ellen Wexler
Eli Davis
Rivka and Binny Klein
David Ray IHO Rabbi Cohen & Mordechai Millunchick
Gavriel & Gavriella Bachrach
Mr and Mrs Seymour Wiesenberg
Harry Kleinerman
Baruch and Debbie Zucker
Yisroel and Zahava Brog - In honor of you, Rabbi Cohen, and Rabbi Shmuel Cohen.
Kenny and Esti Berger
Eliezer Lob
Chaim Meer
Alexander Turik
Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair Kossoff
Izzy Stark
Avi and Deena Stein
Shmuel and Shana Schuman
Elizabeth Low
Claude and Zisl Edelson
Yosef & Rochel Leah Ben-Zev
Chaim and Hadassa Meer
In Honor of Rabbi Zev Cohen and in Honor of Rabbi Avrohom Friedman’s Youngeleits Shiur. Dr. Israel Berger
משה אפרתי - לכבוד הגאון רבי זאב כהן שליט"א, מתוך הכרת הטוב עצומה לרב שליט"א רבי מרדכי מילינצק ובני הקהילה יזכה להאריך ימים על ממלכתו נתוך בריאות, נחת ושמחה יחד עם כל הקהילה ויזכה להמשיך להרבות חיילים לתורה ולעבודה עד ביאת גואל צדק בב"א
Shira Taxer
Daniel Alkhovsky
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