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YU Kollel Monthly Shiur

Wednesday, October 2, 2013 28 Tishrei 5774

8:00 PM - 9:00 PM


Reflections on Tishrei and the Unique Opportunity of Cheshvan  

With Rabbi Aaron Kraft, Rosh Chabura

Prior to joining the YU Torah Mitzion Kollel as Rosh Chaburah, Rabbi Aaron Kraft was a member of the Bella and Harry Wexner Kollel Elyon at Yeshiva University.  He has served as Assistant Rosh Kollel of Y.U.’s Teaneck Summer Kollel and as Rabbinic Intern and Community Jewish Education Project Scholar for Congregation Ahavath Torah in Englewood, NJ.  Rabbi Kraft has lectured as Scholar-in-Residence in various shuls throughout the country and has published a number of articles on topics in Jewish law and thought.  He holds a B.A. from Yeshiva College, semikha from Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary and is currently pursuing an M.A. at the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies.  He and his wife, Lynn, reside in Lincolnwood with their four children, Adira, Tani, Eli and Avi.


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