Return - Post Covid
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Tue, March 25 2025
25 Adar 5785
Yeshurun Covid Policies
You must wear a mask at all times inside the building.
Based on the recommendation of our Rov; Anyone who davens at a Minyan in which people do not wear masks (even if that person does wear a mask) unfortunately for the time being, cannot participate in any of our Minyanim.
Be careful to always maintain 6 feet between you and other people. Please pay special attention when entering and exiting the building to maintain this separation.
Upon entering the building, one should proceed directly to the room to daven or learn. Wandering while in the building should be minimal and only while entering or leaving. Children must ALWAYS be at a responsible adult’s side.
The washrooms and sinks are available, however, they should be used sparingly or for emergencies only.
No personal items should be left in the Shul at this time.
Minyanim will be assigned to the Main Shul, Beis Medrash or Social Hall. Available seats are marked with tape sit in these seats only.
Phones must be turned OFF and preferably not brought into shul. Cell Phones may NOT be used as Siddurim.
The Shul Siddurim and Chumashim will be available for use, however, please note that they will not be disinfected between use and therefore there is a risk associated with using them.
While it is necessary to institute certain changes which are specifically applicable to the actual davening, we will not compromise the integrity of Tefilah B’Tzibur. As such, we will daven slowly and deliberately with extra kavanna, while at the same time limiting risks of exposure or chas v’shalom, a recurrence of an outbreak.
At this time, you may NOT enter Yeshurun if:
* If you currently have Covid-19 or have any symptoms of Covid-19 or feel ill in any other way.
* If you had or think you may have had COVID-19: You must wait at least 21 days after symptoms including a fever have resolved AND you receive explicit permission from your physician.
* If you had UNPROTECTED contact (meaning you were NOT wearing appropriate PPE) with an individual who potentially has or is confirmed having COVID-19, even if you currently show no symptoms: You must wait 14 days.
* If you are Medically Compromised or are at high risk of complications from COVID-19 - you must ask and receive explicit permission from your personal physician
* If you are above the age of 65: You must ask and receive explicit permission from your personal physician.
* Anyone under the age of 8 cannot enter Yeshurun. Children between ages 8 and 12 inclusive MUST be accompanied by a responsible adult and remain by that adult’s side at ALL times.
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